For any of you that follow my blog, yo are aware that I tried the thin layers of acrylic paint in my last painting, Abstract X15,  and was fascinated with both the  abstract painting technique and the painting that was created by the process using the technique.  I decided to try another version of the technique with this painting, Abstract X16,  First I prepared the stretched canvas by painting it with thin layers of yellow ochre acrylic paint.  Since I knew that I wanted the painting to about movement, I painted a couple of big strokes of cobalt blue to establish that movement.

As I progressed with the painting I decided to add another color, cadmium red deep, because I though the painting was to boring with just the blue and yellow.  I applied it in thin layers also and it gave some interesting orange values by dragging the brush over the yellow ochre with the thin applications of paint.  I also eventually decided to add some cadmimum yellow and unbleached titanium white mixed together for the background because I wanted a stronger contrast in some areas  plus I did not like the way yellow ochre layers looked in some areas. It was not covering like I wanted it to and very uneven and blotchy.

Abstract X16

Then I began to develop the areas by adding more layers of the thin paint. I kept playing around with which areas I wanted to define and painted several of them so they wouldn’t be such a wide area of the same color.  In the video below, I discuss the finished painting.  I had fun with this painting but have to admit that it was more  difficult to try to use the thin layers of paint with this painting than it was with the last one I did.  I think the fact that this one the design was a little more planned where as Abstract 15 , I just more or less went the flow and allowed the process to develop itself.