Abstract X01

Abstract X01

Most of my life I have painted realistic images. Within the last two years,  finding my creativity, I decided I wanted to explore painting abstracts and painted my first abstract painting, Abstract X01.  I have to admit it was a challenge because I had become very comfortable with painting realistic images. I have always thought that a true artist will push to try to new and different subject matter. The process of pushing yourself in a new direction is not always comfortable but to grow, I believe it is necessary. This painting is the first abstract that I attempted and painted with acrylic paints.  I painted this  in 2011 and I can tell by evaluating my progress that I have come far since then.  I still like this painting and am proud that I have taken this adventure of pushing myself into the realm of abstracts. My idea for this painting came from a manipulation technique that I created on my iPad with an art app.  At that time it was difficult for me to come up with ideas for abstract paintings because I primarily thought of art in realistic terms as far as my own creations.